Raven Lee


"A Candle never Loses any of its Light while Lighting up another candle.”

- Rumi

Raven’s Bio



Raven is a Licensed Social Worker, psychotherapist, certified yoga teacher, and Reiki practitioner, but mostly just a fellow human being trying to figure this life stuff out. Her innate curiosity and deep understanding of the complexities of being human is what led her to pursue her BA and MA degree in Forensic Psychology and then her Master of Social Work degree


When Raven had her heart broken open, she turned towards spirituality, mediation, and the wisdom of plant medicine to find healing. Through her own self-discovery and reclamation of self-love and self-worth, yoga found Raven. Learning to trust her intuition (it’s a practice, like all things), she embarked on a yoga teacher training and became a yoga teacher. Raven loves bridging the worlds of yoga and mental health, creating a safe space and encouraging others to deepen their mind-body-spirit-breath connection.


Raven believes that being human is a practice! As a recovering perfectionist, she has discovered that practices are journeys full of ups and downs and is constantly learning how to ride the wave. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, mindfulness, or rock climbing, the ultimate practice has been one of self-compassion – being kind to oneself.


Raven’s hope is to walk alongside people who are on their own healing journeys so that they know they are not alone in this. She wants to explore, together, those dark and light places that we all have inside.

Raven loves bearing witness to the transformation that happens when people turn inwards and start to become more conscious. She hopes to mirror to others the light and love that we all have within, even if sometimes it feels lost or buried.

More Info

Website spreadyourwings.me